This phrase is one of the most popular phrases that almost every lady has said. Men in their defense have also come out with their own phrase “all women are the same”.
But can we really say all men are the same just because we have suffered one or two setbacks in our love life? Is it really okay to tag all men the same when we have probably only made the wrong choices in men and then blame our negligence on just a few men that we have met?
According to Wikipedia, in June, 2013 United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division estimated that as of 2010, the world population was 6.916 billion. A 2011 population estimate revealed that there are slightly over 3.4 billion men on earth. Can one say over 3 billion men on the planet are the same? All answers point to one direction – no.
Relationships isn’t about who is the predator and who’s the prey, it isn’t about who is to blame and who would take the fall, and that phrase is one that tries to play the predator and prey game. There is no denying the fact that a lot of men out there don’t deserve a lady but on the bright side there are also a lot of men out there that deserve even the best of ladies, and sometimes they are ignored.
Sometimes when a relationship fails we tend to have this saintly attitude and heap all the blames on our male partner like we didn’t do any wrong; for a relationship to fail it means both couples couldn’t get their acts together. Sometimes our choice of men even betrays us; we are more bent on going to the same kind of men over and over again with the difference only being the face and still expect a different outcome; that really isn’t possible.
My point is; only date a man who has genuine feelings for you and never get carried away by his superficial traits that would hardly be of benefit to the relationship. Whenever you say to yourself “all men are the same”, just take note that someone somewhere is having a swell experience with her man.