Mothers are a blessing to their children, but I’m sure you’d also agree that some mothers, sometimes, can do the most, and unnecessarily so, especially when it has to do with their children. Some mothers have been the reason for the success of their sons’ marriages, and others have destroyed them with their attitude.

This post will be sharing some life tips for mothers so they can have a peaceful relationship with their sons after their marriage, and enjoy the fruits that follow.

1. Do not encourage your son and his wife to stay under same roof with you. It is always best to suggest they move out, and get their own place. It is their problem to find a separate home.

The more the distance between you and your children’s families, the better is the relationship.

2. As a mom, learn to treat your son’s wife as his wife, not as your own daughter (you could even treat her as a friend). It’s easier to respect her more when you see her that way. If you have to correct her, do so with love, not out of spite.

3. Whatever habits or characters your son’s wife has it is not your problem at all, it is your son’s problem. Remember, he may be your son, but he’s also an adult.

4. Even if you live together, make each other’s businesses clear. Don’t do their laundry, don’t cook for them and don’t baby sit their children. Unless, of course, there is a special request by your son’s wife and you feel that you’re capable – and don’t expect anything in return.

5. Importantly so, you should not worry about your son’s family problems. Let them settle themselves. You don’t want to be seen as the bad person. Pretend to be blind and deaf when your son and his wife are quarrelling. It’s normal that they do. Young couples do not like for their parents to be involved in their disputes.

6. Your grandchildren totally belong to your son and his wife. How they want to raise their children is up to them. If they turn out fine, the credit goes to them, otherwise, they get it still.

7. Do more planning for your own retirement; don’t rely on your children to take care of your retirement. They have their own bills to take care of.

8. Grandchildren don’t belong to your family first, they are their parents. Never forget the ‘Grand’ before ‘Children’.

If more mothers adopted these principles of motherhood and living, the mother – son, and daughter – in – law bond would be sweeter.
