The importance of a massage can never be overstated, just like every machine or device suffers from wear and tear, likewise the human body.
Your body works hard for you every day, some days could be extremely stressful, some other days you are worried and some days your body lack enough sleep. All these can have a detrimental effect on your health, but with a regular massage from your partner it would be very beneficial to your health.
However, the home massage therapy may not be as effective as the one done by professionals but a massage by your partner would definitely help your relationship in more ways than one, continue below as I share seven important ways massaging your partner can be of help.
After a stressful day, don’t just rush to bed, you can ask your partner to give you a massage. Having a massage can ease the neck and back pains you feel after a poor sitting posture at work; it can also ease out the muscle tension you feel after a long day at work. Rather than rushing to bed and waking up even more stressed the next morning, 15-30 minutes of massage would do a world of good to your body.
Giving your man or lady a massage after a long day would definitely help your relationship. Massage shows one thing, you are sensitive to your partner’s plight and ready to help your partner through. The gentle hands of you on your partner would help your partner relax better and this can as well help build communication levels in relationship thereby strengthening bond between partners.
Massage would help you have not just a nice sleep but a stress-free sleep as well. Massage aids relaxation, that feeling of being relaxed before sleep would improve your sleep totally. Research has shown that massage promotes healthy sleep. If you love your partner then you should definitely help that man or lady have a healthy sleep.
Almost everyone would admit to have had a headache at a point in time. Massage can also ease out headaches; research has found that 30 minutes of massage can decrease the pains that come with headaches and can even curb some of the anger or stress associated with headaches. This is another reason to give your partner a massage.
Married couples and couples in some relationships have little or no time for sex; this can destroy a relationship seriously. In some relationships, the daily routine after a stressful day is sleep and this would kill not just the sexual part of the relationship but the communication part as well. With massage, your partner can even get aroused and a little action can take place just before bed time; this would help improve so many things in your relationship.
Stress can cause depression, and when depression exists in that your relationship, it would never be all loving. Massage aids relaxation and that would help soothe anxiety and depression, it would also help reduce the level of the stress hormone – cortisol; this would help lower blood pressure and increase happiness and the general mood of your partner.
A pregnant wife would most definitely benefit from a massage. The fact that a man massages his wife would give her that confidence that her man would always be there. It would as well boost her immune system, ease out stress, help her blood flow, ease muscular discomfort, aid relaxation, stimulate the release of endorphins which are the body’s natural pain killers. So, even your pregnant wife needs a massage.
However, it would be stated that your massage might not be effective as that of the massage therapist but it would definitely have an effect which would go a long way.
Give that partner of yours a massage at least three times a week and you wouldn’t regret it.
Have a lovely day and a more than lovely relationship.
Thanks! Another fantastic article. My marriage is headed for the roof with you guys.