There are different kinds of men out there, and as they differ in behaviour and attitude, so do they differ in their wants and needs. When it comes to making the choice of whom to date, there are so many factors that men put into consideration. Some care about physical attributes, and the others look skin deep. That said, it’s common knowledge that a vast majority of men always put what the eyes can see before anything else.
We’re going to take a look at some of the things men commonly want in a woman, why they go after those things, and what I think they really should go for in a woman.
As the sub heading says, this refers to the facial build of a person. How pretty or attractive is it? This is a major factor for consideration for most men when it comes to whom they’re going to be with.
Why? Well, for some, it’s mostly about having a good-looking woman as a partner; someone other men find attractive too. The other reason is to have that beauty passed on to the kids when it’s time to have them.
Wide hips, big butt, big boobies, a tiny waist… are some of the things men also look out for when it comes to choosing a female partner.
The reason why some men are particular about these is mostly sexual.
Short men aren’t the only ones who run after tall looking women; some tall ones do too. I have a couple of tall friends who can’t date a short woman.
The reasons why this attribute is important to men who consider it differ from man to man, depending on the man in question. Tall men who do, just want to have someone as tall as they are, short ones who do just want to complement what they lack, others just want to have a partner that can give them the perfect child.
Well, it’s not a secret that rich or poor, some men these days only want to be with rich women. The reasons also differ from man to man.
Some men simply don’t want the trouble that comes with taking care of the woman in question, and her family. Other men want to live off the woman’s wealth, because they know they’ll benefit from it somehow, etc.
Believe it or not, some men care a lot about what a woman sounds like. I know a man who once said he married his radio presenter wife because of her voice.
It’s hard to say why this is a big deal to some men, but I think it’s just about being happy talking with a woman. I don’t know…
Everybody knows that the world is crazy about light-colored skins now. This of course is because men are about it too. You look at music videos, you rarely see the models looking dark-skinned, it’s crazy, but true. Most men started the craze. Why is this attribute a big deal? Well, I can’t make sense of it. I know that some men want to have light-skinned children, and others just want their women light-skinned because they think it’s an attractive color.
Most men will not date you if you don’t know how to be freaky and crazy in bed. Whatever style or position they want to try, be ready to oblige, or you’re not ‘dating material’. Why is this a big deal? Well, I think that sex is just too much of a biggie to some men.
So those are some of the common things men like to consider first before they think you’re ‘dating material’, and as much as I think that everyone is entitled to wanting anything or going after whatever makes their heart beat, I also want to say that those factors are secondary when it comes to choosing a partner, both for marriage and dating. If you’re going to date a woman, it’s important to look skin deep first of all, because at the end of the day, it’s what the eyes can’t see that will make a relationship last. How smart is she? How reasonable is she? How funny is she? How considerate is she? How kind is she? How strong (mentally and emotionally) is she? How hardworking is she? How respectful is she? How focused and driven is she? How much of an inspiration is she, not just to you, but to people around her? How understanding is she? Does she compromise/sacrifice? These are just some of the things you should really focus your energy in finding in a woman you want to settle with. If she has a great figure, or a fine face or a fat bank account, fine; it’s an added advantage, but the things that are skin deep are the most important.
Alright! So that’s it for now. I hope I have made some sense. If I haven’t, you can also tell me your own opinion. Don’t forget to share this post too.