Everyone wants to experience peace in the world today, that’s a major reason why yoga is becoming very popular all around the world. But it’s surprising how people seek for peace only to fill themselves with traits/habits/characters that kill peace.
You can never have peace when you have these toxic characters:
Pride, arrogance, thinking you are better than everyone else, looking down on others. If this is you, then you have succeeded in taking your peace away and replacing it with toxic elements that won’t only take your peace but also make you a mean and miserable person.
You must learn to forgive and let go of bitterness if you must experience peace of mind. Anger, malice, grudges and all forms of bitterness must be removed from your heart. Try to forgive more and let go of past incidents that hurt you.
Complaining and nagging will always bring a heavy spirit. Nagging is a terrible trait to have; you’d never be at peace with such a negative trait. Free your mind from looking for things to nag and complain about, because there’d always be something to nag about.
Learn to celebrate with people when they have something good going for them. Don’t be selfish and want only the good things for yourself. You repel good things from coming to you when you are full of envy.
Don’t be greedy. Greediness is a negative trait and the more greedy you become, the less peace you have. Choose to be contented with what you have — this is how you find peace.
Do you find it hard to forgive? Do you always think of the wrong things people have done to you? Do you always think of your past mistakes? These things kill your peace. To have peace, you must be willing to forgive yourself and forgive others too.
Peace can’t be gained when you fill your heart with toxic characters. To find peace, you must eliminate toxic characters from your life.