The world is full of people from different cultures, beliefs and backgrounds. Some of us are kind and warm, and for others, it’s not exactly the case. Whichever one you are, it’s important to understand that there’s no limit to knowledge. Sometimes, the things you think you know are inadequate, and it takes coming in contact with, or experiencing newer things to see life differently.
The average man wants to live to see at least 80 years. Whether or not that is possible is up to a host of factors, but it is advised that before you go away from this side, you pay a visit to all of the following places.
I am black man. I have seen and read so much incorrect history and perception of the black race from different people from other races. And while it sometimes, irks one to see things like that, I also understand that I cannot blame them, because they only speak off how much they know. It’s like the popular notion among foreigners that black people live on trees in Africa. That is one of the most inaccurate things ever peddled. So it is actually necessary to sometimes go out of your comfort zone, and experience new things, learn new cultures, and see things you probably heard about before by yourself so you have a better and broader view of the world and people in it.
So you think you’re going through so much and your life is the worst you’ve seen? Well, it may take you paying a visit to the homeless to actually see life from a different perspective, and learn to be more thankful for what you do have. Of course, no one can be completely contented with their condition because we tend to naturally want more. But knowing that you’re doing a lot better than someone not only makes you more thankful, it also builds your confidence, and encourages you to be kinder towards others.
Nature is such a beautiful thing, but you wouldn’t know this unless you save up, and pay a visit to the wild. There are so many creatures you have no idea actually exist, and there are discrepancies with the ones you think you know, but by paying a visit to nature you would know this. Besides, it also affords you a chance to cool off, and unwind away from the ever stressful and busy world we live in. You do not even need to go abroad to get this – every country of the world has an abundance of nature to enjoy.
You don’t have time be facing a charge to visit any of these, you only need make out time for it. You may not see it now, but it would open up your eyes to the reality that life’s easy away from violence and crime. It would also teach you how underappreciated freedom is.
Except those who die by accident or those who practice certain religions, pretty much everyone has to go there whether or not they like it. The morgue is a place for people who are already in the afterlife, but you can make out time to go there to better see and appreciate how easily gone life can be sometimes. All those houses, the cars, they are gone the moment you are dead, so why kill yourself and others for them?
It’s a scary place to go, but it opens up your eyes to the truth that we all go six feet under at some point. The rich, the poor, the proud, the humble, it doesn’t matter; the ground will swallow us all up one day. So it gives us some reality check.