Money issues are important as every other thing when it regards marriage; but people rarely pay attention to this. You would always hear talks about love and compatibility when marriage is concerned, but rarely anything about finance.
Considering certain issues regarding money and finances would make the couple aware of what they are entering into, and this could save future money disagreements that could hinder the growth of that marriage.
Below are important money questions that should be thought through:
Both partners should have an idea of each other’s goals, future plans and their financial philosophies. It could be a huge problem when partners have a wide difference when it comes to financial thinking and aren’t even aware of it. Financial philosophy is what would affect a person’s action regarding savings, investments, budgeting and planning for kids, housing, cars and other important things. It’s also important to know where your partner aims to be in coming years — this financial knowledge would help a lot.
It would be so unfair to enter marriage without telling your partner if you are in debts. Being open about your finances would help your marriage a lot. Carrying a previous debt into your marriage might be the beginning of a new problem if you don’t tell your spouse.
If you have difficulties in your spending habits, it’s important that your partner is aware of it, and it would be easier this way to curb the habit in a way that it won’t hurt the union. Difference in spending habits might look so little and ordinary, but it’s a marriage killer if not properly handled.
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