When a guy is asking a lady out, even if she hasn’t said yes, he still hopes for what we call ‘green light’. When a lady gives the green light, the guy has the strength to carry on but when it’s a red light, it’s a different story entirely.

Every guy hopes for a green light when asking a lady out; without that green light most guys feel that the lady has zero to nil percent interest in them.

Just like the traffic light sign, green means drive, so it is for guys asking a lady out; the green light drives him on. If you don’t give him that green light, it would definitely frustrate him.

There are so many green light signs most guys hope for, I’d share them starting from the next page. If you are a guy, you would definitely nod your head and agree with me and if you’re a lady, you’ve just earned a key to a guy’s heart.


You may think a phone number doesn’t matter but it actually does matters to guys a lot. He knows with your phone number he has a chance of communicating with you, and from there anything can happen. With a phone number, he feels he can spin you around and win his way to your heart. No number means no way; that’s how guys think, a phone number is probably the first green light sign every guy needs.


We know ladies don’t text who they don’t think about and you know that too. The first text means a lot to a guy, it’s like representing your country in the Olympics. If a guy is asking you out and you send him a message, no matter how simple and ordinary it is, it would mean a lot to him. A text message is really a great green light sign guys like.


If a text could mean representing your country at the Olympics then a call could actually mean winning a gold medal at the Olympics. We know ladies don’t also call guys they don’t like; so it’s more like simple mathematics to a guy; if she calls me then she probably likes me. You don’t know how happy a guy gets when he receives a call from a lady he’s asking out; that is, if he likes the lady.


You may think your blushes are just ordinary and he might not even notice but you are totally wrong; this is one of the things guys look out for. When a guy is talking to a lady he’s asking out, if he gets a mean face, it scares him out but if gets a cute smile with some blushing attached to the cheek then you’ve just given him a perfect green light without knowing. Guys love this; it’s a green light every guy hopes for.


Attention is everything to a guy; giving him attention is everything he could ask for. Attention is probably one of the best green light signs most guys look out for. We know ladies don’t give attention to every Jack and Jill out there on street, they only give attention to people they deem important, people they care about. Giving a guy attention is like saying yes to him.


A visit is like the sugar in a cup of tea; the salt in a pot of stew; need I say more? I’m sure you get the point; paying a visit to a guy asking you out means a lot. We know you don’t visit everybody you know, so coming to visit us is like saying “I care about you”; that’s the tape that plays in a guy’s head. This is one of the ‘greenest’ lights any guy could ask for.


One thing to know is that a lady’s response means a lot to how the guy would keep approaching. If the response is one or all of these signs listed, the guy would be happy and see it as a green light but if you give him that cold ‘don’t come near me’ look, he would probably see it as a not too good sign.

Every guy loves a green light; even if she hasn’t said yes, a green light is still a big deal.

