Saggy breasts are really inevitable, however you look at it. If they don’t fall now, they’ll eventually fall as you age, but isn’t it better to enjoy firmer ones in your youth?
As much as age plays a role in breast elasticity, sometimes, even younger people suffer from saggy breasts, and it’s mostly due to the kind of habits they keep.
Here’s a list of some of them, so you avoid them.
Doesn’t matter what amount you smoke, smoking is bad for the elasticity of your breasts. When you smoke, there’s decreased blood supply to your skin, which results in faster aging and consequent weakening of your skin.
Crash dieting is basically losing weight desperately. In other words, it’s a quick way of losing weight. It’s not exactly bad if it’s not done to the extreme, but it is when you have to lose so much weight, and it has an adverse effect on your breasts. It can make it more slack than normal.
Not only does skipping sunscreen give you premature wrinkles, it also causes the skin around your breasts to become damaged, weak, and saggy.
High impact workouts are those that stress or stretch your breasts. Take running for example, when you run, your breasts go back and forth. The longer you do it, the more it’s likely for you to suffer saggy breasts. This is because they stretch your breasts so much. The same applies to some workout plans. So endeavour to wear sports bras that will keep your breasts firm when exercising.
The right bra gives your breasts the required support and protection, but the wrong one exposes it to the same problems mentioned in the last habit. They’ll get saggy and weak. So it’s important to wear a fitting bra, especially if you’re about to get into some really physically stressful task.