A beautifully-dressed woman would turn heads wherever she goes; she’s the kind of woman who knows how to dress to any occasion and do it superbly —whether she’s dressed official, casual, for a wedding, party, beach, dinner date or anything at all, every man just seems to admire with his eyes.
We have earlier done an article on why every woman is attracted to a well-dressed man; now I turn the table around—5 reasons why every man is attracted to a beautifully-dressed woman—are you that woman?
A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, but you all would agree with me that the way a woman dresses could add or reduce the way people notice and appreciate her beauty. I’ve seen so many beautiful women that don’t get much appreciation and so many not-too-beautiful women that turn eyes wherever they go—this has a lot to do with fashion—a woman’s beauty is more seen and appreciated when she’s beautifully dressed.
There is this aura or confidence that exudes from a person when they know that they are beautifully dressed. Let me create a better image in your mind; picture a little kid in a new dress, that kid is excited and is happy and confident because the kid has that perception of being attractive because of that new dress, that same aura can be used to describe the swagger of a beautifully dressed woman—she knows she’s looking good and people are admiring her, so it adds that confidence to her personality—you should know confidence is very attractive.
There is something about a woman that’s beautifully dressed, it attracts something to the brain, probably the amygdala; a beautifully dressed woman seems adventurous (not necessarily in a promiscuous way) and every man loves adventure. If you could do an experiment, you would notice that a beautifully dressed woman might get that different look from men even more than a woman that’s just beautiful but not beautifully dressed. Already, we know by now that men are more attracted to women in red.
The first tip points at her beauty being exhibited but it doesn’t just end there, a beautifully dressed woman is highly attractive. Her dressing is attractive, her style is attractive, and everything about her seems to glow. Being nicely dressed would bring out so many attractive features in a woman that you didn’t know previously existed.
There is this unconscious inward rivalry that seems to go on among men and it has to do with women. Even from the young guy in high school to the university guy and the university graduate up to the man that’s married, every man has this pride when his lady is attractive in what she wears. Men love to show off their lady when she’s good-looking, fashionable and attractive; he knows other men would be staring and his lady is being admired, it sort of enhances his own reputation. It’s just a pride thing, something that has to do with the male ego.
Obviously, there are many other things men love in a woman from a physical point of view, but a well-dressed woman is attractive, classy, sexy, beautiful and has this unexplainable aura around her—the men love this—are you that woman?
Men love their women dressed well or looking good to show off , but some don’t give their women $ to shopping .
We’ll dressed women are women every man would proud of, but many men don’t give their women money for shopping
Some mans is not they don’t have, but they refuse to give their woman’s money to for sopping