Social media is a platform to interact with friends, as well as meet new people, but it is also a dangerous place, where bad people with evil intentions come to carry out nefarious acts. This is why it’s a matter of importance for you to protect your personal information from social media. Yes, certain social media applications will ask you to produce some information about yourself, but you must decline, and run away from it, especially, if it requires you to give out the following…
Your birth date is a very important piece of information for you to just put out there for the world to see. In a world where there’s so much care about getting birthday wishes from social media friends, it’s tempting to put it out there, but then, I think that it’s also important to consider the risks involved before doing so.
There are all manner of persons on social media, as I said earlier, who simply want to defraud unsuspecting folks. These people are constantly on the prowl, looking for information they can use to build a profile good enough to use for their deeds. If you put your birthday information out there, you’d only be making their work easier. They can even make a profile similar to yours, using your pictures, so imagine how much easier it gets for them by making your birthday information available. If you must put your birthday information out there, let it just be the month and day; keep the year private.
The reason for this is similar to the one before it. Social media fraudsters will make use of whatever information they can get to make their ‘jobs’ easier. There’s also the issue of your own job security; you don’t want to put something about work on social media that someone from the office can use against you tomorrow. Always be careful what you post. Hackers can easily mess with your office website, depending on what you put out there, too.
If you don’t want stalkers calling you every minute, and disturbing your life, then, your phone number should be away from social media. Fraudsters can also get easy access to you if you make your phone number public.
This is an illogical thing to do. You shouldn’t put your home address out on Facebook or any social media app for any reason. Most social media websites don’t ask for more than the country and city you stay in, but if for any reason, any does or you’re tempted to, resist the urge, please!
Some social media applications sometimes, require your banking and credit card information in order to grant you access to ‘special’ features, well, there’s nothing wrong with doing so, but you must make sure the app or social media platform is genuine, and that you’re dealing with the source directly. Also, do not do so on a public computer, as you can forget to delete the information, and end up putting it into the wrong hands. Even in your own PC, ensure to delete such info after use.
P.S This post was meant to educate and inform, not to scare you. Enjoy your social media platforms, but be more careful.