The truth about weddings is that you can’t really please everyone. Trying to please everyone is an impossible mission so what should really be at the back of your mind is trying to limit the complaints at the end of the day because no matter how successful a wedding is, there must always be complaints.
Below are 5 common wedding complaints
1. “There were way too many speeches.”
I have attended lots of weddings where guest just complain about the lengthy speeches. It could be boring and annoying sometimes. Wedding toasts are cool but trust me when I say they could be annoying if not properly done.
How to solve the problem: limit the number of toast in your wedding. 3 or 4 toasts are enough and time each toaster to avoid unnecessary lengthy speeches. 3 minutes is definitely enough for each toaster.
2. “The food was poor.”
There is nothing that hurts more than guests complaining about the food they were served at your wedding. Trust me when I say you wouldn’t want that. You should also understand that no matter how tasty the food is, some guests would just complain because that’s what they love doing – complain.
How to solve the problem: you don’t want your guest leaving the venue of your wedding with stomach upsets so you should arrange for food tasting. You should also ensure the food is more than enough to ensure you don’t run out of food.
3. “The time between the ceremony and reception was just too much.”
This is another common complaint and most couples are guilty of this sin during their wedding. I understand that most ceremonies and receptions don’t take place in the same venue but you should ensure the time between the ceremony and reception isn’t too much and this is what you should do.
How to solve the problem: if the ceremony and reception would take place at different venues, you should ensure the distance between both venues isn’t too much. Try keeping the distance as short as possible. If the ceremony and reception would hold at the same venue, ensure the reception starts quick enough to ensure couples don’t get bored, hungry and tired while waiting.
4. “Ungracious host.”
Your guests could have been anywhere but they chose to be at your wedding so you should make sure you show them how grateful you are. So how do I deal with this you might ask?
How to solve the problem: make sure you send thank-you cards to the guests that graced your wedding. It could be tempting not to send them but it is advisable you do so they would know you really appreciated their presence.
During the reception, the couple could go from table to table to thank everyone that came for the wedding. Just make sure to keep moving and don’t get held up at one table for too long no matter you who meet at the table so you don’t spend the whole time saying hello to the guest that came. What I love most about greeting guests at tables is that it gives the wedding a personal touch.
5. “The wedding is boring.”
A wedding should be a celebration and there should never be a dull moment. Don’t make it boring and make sure you leave an impression on your guest. So how do you ensure your wedding isn’t boring?
How to solve the problem: i know figuring out where everyone should seat in a wedding reception could be hectic but you should try to ensure your guests sit close to people they know well and not people who are complete strangers to them. When they sit next to people they know, it won’t be boring to them.
Also ensure you hire a very good DJ as a poor DJ could ruin your wedding. A DJ that knows the right songs to play is key to avoiding a boring wedding. Please note that elderly guest should not be seated next to the speakers.
Have an amazing wedding with fewer complaints.