man thinking

Do you ask yourself questions? And if you do, do you try to answer these questions?

There are some meaningful questions you should ask yourself every day, because the answers to these questions would help give your life a meaning.

Below are some of the life-changing questions you should ask yourself daily:

1. Why is it hard for me to be happy?

2. Why do I make excuses?

3. Why can’t I really do the things that really make me happy?

4. Why can’t I be happy at someone else’s success?

5. Why can’t I face my fears?

6. Why am I scared of trying?

7. Why don’t I believe in myself?

8. Why am I scared of following my dreams?

9. Why do I settle for less instead of dreaming for more?

10. Why do I feel that I need someone to make me happy?

11. Why do I see myself as inferior?

12. Why do I have to lie?

13. Why do I try to gain acceptance?

14. Why do I get angry for little or no reason?

15. Why do I do irrelevant things when there are relevant things to do?

16. Why do I keep waiting for things to happen?

17. Why do I want to be appreciated but can’t appreciate others?

18. Why do I think of myself only?

19. Why can’t I live peacefully with my spouse?

20. Why can’t I live peacefully with my neighbours or colleagues at work?

21. Why do I always think negatively?

22. Why do I lose motivation?

23. Why do I try to control things that I cannot?

24. Why am I not grateful for what I have?

25. Why can’t I change from my bad ways?

26. Why do I let bad habits into my life?

27. Why do I let negative people into my mind?

28. Why can’t I maintain friendships?

29. Why am I hard to live with?

30. Why am I always quarrelling?

31. Why can’t I forgive?

32. Why do I try to be someone else?

33. Why am I trying to fit in?

34. Why do I keep waiting for something to happen?

35. Why do I run away from my problems?

36. Why don’t I seek knowledge?

37. Why can’t I love people?

38. Why do I live in the past?

39. Why do I judge others?

40. Why do I let unimportant things hold me back?


Have you ever tried asking yourself these questions?

