The world is not fair and I think men are not being given equal rights as the women in the society, Lol. It’s funny how women get away with some things and men can’t.
I have got 4 things women do that would look creepy if men do same
1. Hold hands
It’s so cool to see two ladies hold hands. Most ladies hold hands and no one sees anything wrong with it. Imagine two guys holding hands and walking down the street? Lol. So why can the women walk and hold hands and the men can’t do same?
2. It’s okay for a woman to slap
In any misunderstanding in relationships, it’s okay when the woman slaps the man. Lol. Jay Z was attacked by Solange in an elevator and no one criticized her for doing that. Imagine if it was Jay Z that hit Solange? Lol. Chris Brown can tell you what would happen. Lol.
3. It’s okay for a lady to rest her head on another lady
Most ladies rest their heads on their friends while lying together on a bed and the world sees nothing wrong with that. Imagine a guy resting his head on his pal while they are both lying together on a bed? Lol. The world is really not fair with guys.
4. It’s okay for a lady to tap another lady’s butt
Lol, still laughing. I see ladies do this a lot as friends. They just tap each other’s butt and laugh about it. Imagine a guy tapping the butt of his friend? He could even get punched on the face by his friend. Lol. The world is really not fair.
What else do you think girls do that would look creepy if guys do same ?