
Salt consumption is not unhealthy in itself; after all, it’s a rich source of sodium, which is something the body needs a lot to stay healthy and function properly. A good amount of salt in the body is good for the nerves and the muscles, but then, too much of it is very unhealthy, and can affect your health in the following ways.


1. It can affect your heart. Too much salt in the body can damage arteries that lead to the heart, and this can result in sharp pains in the heart due to a short supply of oxygen and other important nutrients to the heart. And in case of a clogged artery, a heart attack may be the consequence.


2. It affects your brain. Since the brain controls the central nervous system, eating too much salt can damage the arteries that lead to it, and as a result, dementia may follow due to reduced oxygen levels in the brain.


3. It can affect your kidneys. The primary responsibility of the kidney is to ensure that the body is rid of excess fluid. Now, eating too much salt can stop it from performing this function, which can lead to infections, diseases, and eventually failure.


4. It can affect your arteries. You know that the arteries are meant to transport blood from the heart to other parts of the body. Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure, and that can strain the arteries. This can ultimately lead to failure of the arteries to perform well.



Health experts recommend a daily intake of 2300 mg of sodium, which is equal to a tablespoon for all healthy adults, but then knowing that our bodies differ, it’s good to consult your physician before you make any significant change to your daily salt intake.

