couple in love

Making your man feel adored would make your relationship better. Many women want to feel adored in their relationship and want the very best from their man, but forget to make their man adored in the process.

If you make a man who loves you feel adored, he would love you the more and go the extra mile for you.

This is how you make your man feel adored.

1. Be more of your sweet self. Avoid nagging and shouting just to prove a point.

2. Feed his ego. Let him feel like the man.

3. Love him sincerely; that’s enough for him to know he’s adored by you.

4. Do what he loves with him just because he loves it.

5. Respect him.

6. Appreciate everything he does for you.

7. Forgive him without keeping count.

8. Love his naughty side.

9. Miss him.

10. Make him feel better than other men.

11. Communicate with him. Don’t let him do all the communication.

12. Show your affection.

13. Let him know how much you love him.

14. Listen to him.

15. Take him out on dates too.

16. Make him a huge part of your life and don’t let him feel left out.

17. Be supportive of him.

18. Be kind and sweet towards him.

19. He wants to be loved for who he is. Love him for who he is.

20. Let your love for him be sweet and sincere. It shouldn’t be because of what he has.


Making your man feel adored is the best thing you can do in your relationship. A man who loves you would go the extra mile for you when you do this.

