Fashion has evolved over time; what is in trend now would be outdated in a decade’s time and what was in trend decades ago could be re-branded and brought back again. This cycle of fashion is a highly interesting one.
However, there are certain facts about fashion and its evolution that would leave you amazed.
Below are some things you probably didn’t know about fashion.
1. Until the mid-1500s’ children didn’t have their own distinct clothes. They used to wear small sizes of adult wears.
2. It was not acceptable for women to wear shorts in public until World War 2.
3. The bikini was named after the island Bikini Atoll; this was where the US military was testing its bombs in World War 2. It was named so because its creator, Louis Réard, believed the bikini would create a shock like that of the atomic bomb.
4. Skirt is considered to be the second oldest women’s garment in the world after the loincloth.
5. It was once a taboo to wear black unless one was in mourning.
6. In ancient times, the Greeks exercised naked. This is where the word “gymnasium” comes from; γυμνός (gymnos) means naked in Ancient and Modern Greek.
7. Men’s shirts buttons are usually on the right while women’s are on the left.
8. High heels were originally worn by men, so he could shoot his bow and arrow more effectively. Women only began to wear them during the 1600s. In the 1700s, heels became so popular among women that men stopped wearing them.
9. False eyelashes were first created in 1916 when Hollywood producer, D.W. Griffith decided to enhance the eyelashes of Seena Owen for his film “Intolerance”. He created them because he wanted her eyelashes to brush against her cheeks. The false lashes were made by a local wig maker using human hair woven through fine gauze.
10. Napoleon Bonaparte ordered that buttons be attached to the jacket sleeves so as to prevent soldiers from wiping off their runny noses on their sleeves.
11. In the 1800s and in the early 1900s, if a woman spotted short hair, she was considered to be an unfaithful wife.
12. In Rome, purple clothing was exclusively reserved for highly placed people such as emperors and magistrates.
13. Perfumes were present in ancient Egypt, though they were used in religious rituals.
14. During the Renaissance period, it was fashionable for women to shave off their eyebrows. That’s why Monalisa was spotted with her eyebrows shaven in paintings of her.
15. Back in the days, there were no models. Up to the 19th century, the designers used little dolls to showcase their collection of clothes to the customers.
16. The first bra was invented by a New York socialite, Mary Phelps in 1914.
17. Boys wore dresses until the 1910 till they reached the age of 5 0r 6.
18. Men did not wear underwear until the 17th century.
It’s amazing how fashion has evolved and how it would keep evolving. Ten years from now, you would definitely have a smile on your face when you see your current pictures.