couple breakup

There is really nothing like a break-up that comes out of the blues. The signs are always there but you probably didn’t decode the signs.

Here are 15 signs your man is about to break up with you

1. When he’s about to break up with you, he tends to reduce the amount of communication between the both of you. He stops calling and texting as much as he used to.

2. You know your man is about to break up with you when he practically adds nothing when making plans or decisions in the relationship. You find yourself making all the plans in the relationship.

3. Fights in relationships are inevitable but when he is about to quit the relationship, the fights will become frequent and your man will get into an argument over the silliest things.

4. You know your man is about to break up with you if his friends suddenly start avoiding you. Guys tend to discuss their relationship with friends and chances are that he must have told his friends he wants to quit.

5. There used to be a time in your relationship when the both of you were inseparable but these days you don’t feel close to him anymore. This is a sign that he’s about to break up with you.

6. When he’s about to break up with you, it becomes difficult finding a solution to arguments. He knows he wants out so he would frustrate your efforts in trying to find solutions to arguments.

7. You know your man wants out of the relationship if he rarely says “I love you” and even the few times he does, you notice they seem forced and lack purpose and passion.

8. Frequency of sex drops drastically or comes to a halt when he wants to quit the relationship. Your sex life used to be amazing in the past but these days it has become non-existent. He will start giving excuses like “I’m tired”.

9. You know your man wants out of the relationship if he starts spending more time away from you. Asking for time to be alone regularly is a way he uses to distance himself from you and spend less time around you.

10. When your man wants to quit the relationship, he stops making promises and commitments. He doesn’t see a future together with you so he won’t want to make plans with you in it. “Time will tell”, “maybe”, become words he uses regularly to avoid commitments.

11. When he wants to break up with you, you would stop being a priority to him. Everyone around him will be a priority to him except you.

12. When he wants to break up with you, he would stop initiating contact. He only calls because he saw your missed calls and he only sends text messages because he saw your message. If you don’t call him for days, he will hardly bother to call or even text.

13. When he is about to break up with you, conversations become boring and useless. These days it seems like conversations are forced and he rarely makes you laugh.

14. Dates every week was normal in your relationship but these days he rarely wants to go out on a date with you. Weekly dates become monthly. This is a sign he wants out.

15. Is your heart telling you things aren’t the way they used to be? Is your heart telling you to walk away because something is wrong? When you start to have these feelings, you are probably right most times.

