doctor and patient

Health is wealth is one catchy phrase you must have heard over a thousand times. There are countless information that would really help your health, and there are dozens other more that you need to know, not only for your sake but for that of a friend and loved one.

Below are some of those things your doctor would be glad you knew.

1. If you are overweight, losing a relatively small amount of weight can help be a boost to your health. It can cut the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and lower your blood pressure.

2. Starting your day with protein would be a great idea, as it can help steady your blood sugar, which would help you improve your focus at work.

3. Chest pains aren’t the only sign of heart attack. Heart attack differs in women too; women should be wary of less severe pains in the neck, upper back, shoulder, jaws and necks.

Research has shown that a lot of women experience severe fatigue in the weeks leading to a heart attack.

4. It’s good to know your family’s medical history.  While it may not completely predict your medical details, it could help in certain illnesses like cancer, high cholesterol and blood pressure.

5. Try to have better sleep. Sleep deprivation isn’t good for your health; it could result in below par brain function. Sleep is highly important for memory functions.

6. Staying sedentary for too long can increase the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.

7. It’s always important to know your body mass index (BMI), cholesterol and blood pressure.

8. Water is important; always stay hydrated. Dehydration can result in migraines, joint pains, poor memory, fatigue and many other health complications.

9. Exercising is highly important, and a lack of it increases the likelihood of stress. Exercising boosts your cardiovascular functions and helps keep stress in check.

10. Skin cancer can show up in places you least expect, like the back of your neck, your scalp and even the bottom of your feet. Areas exposed to sun are sun are most susceptible to skin cancer.

These ten tips are tips your doctor would love for you to know.

