Every woman knows how true this is and it’s time we let the men know these truths. Below are 10 things women do that men mistake for something else
1. Many guys can’t just tell the difference between a lady being polite and flirting. Guys, just because a lady is being polite doesn’t mean she is trying to flirt.
2. Guys also confuse a lady acknowledging how cute a baby is or how nice an engagement ring is to mean she wants one of those things. Please a lady has the right to give an opinion.
3. A lady wearing a short outfit or tight dress doesn’t mean she wants to have sex with you.
4. Just because she is eating healthy doesn’t mean she is obsessed with weight.
5. Don’t confuse her wanting commitment with you to mean she wants to get married to you now. There are so many other reasons why she would want an exclusive relationship with you and it doesn’t have to be marriage.
6. Just because most ladies seek a man with financial stability is no reason for men to think all women want is money. A man who isn’t stable financially can be a burden on us financially and we don’t want that.
7. Don’t confuse a woman’s friendship to mean she loves you. Just because she loves spending time with you and sharing her goals and dream is no reason for you to think she’s into you. Women keep guys as friends and you could just be a friend.
8. Just because she has large boobs doesn’t mean she is promiscuous. Please guys stop thinking this way.
9. Why do guys always think when a woman dresses hot, she is doing it for them? Please her life isn’t dependent on yours. Women also like to dress up to feel good about themselves.
10. Guys just assume confident and assertive ladies are b*tches and snobs. SMH. Guys should do away with this reasoning please.