Fights and arguments can hurt your relationship or marriage in more ways than one. Almost every relationship meltdown starts with a misunderstanding and an argument which could probably lead to a fight, and then a space begins to grow between both partners; that space is usually what hurts the relationship or marriage the more; it can be filled with hate, bitterness, unforgiveness, and several misplaced feelings that can even make one cheat on a spouse.
There are healthy arguments, but when it gets to the point of shouting and raising the roof then it’s probably no longer healthy.
Couples sometimes argue and fight like kids over things that aren’t even worth it, like toothpaste. There are certain arguments couples should probably stop so as not to ruin their relationship/marriage.
Money is like a two-edged sword; it answers all things and it also brings a lot of problems if care isn’t taken. The issue of money isn’t one that’s worth the hassle, because it would bring a lot of negativity in that union. Caution should be exercised whenever the issue of money is raised.
2. SEX
Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex has its own technicalities; sex is so important in a marriage or relationship that it isn’t one that should be argued about. The best way to go about sexual issues is just having a talk with your partner because if it gets to fights and quarrels then your marriage and relationship would suffer from it. A lack of sex would lead to a partner being disappointed, a lack of performance is also another issue, too much demand for sex could also cause a problem. There are countless issues that come along with the sex territory, so making a fuss about it would further bring chaos in your union. If not well handled, the issue of sex would lead to hate.
In-laws are a common cause of many arguments and fights in a lot of marriages, the mother-in-law especially. When you start fighting and quarreling with your partner over what the in-law did, didn’t do or was supposed to do then that’s one fight that might last throughout the existence of that marriage. No matter how right or wrong you are, your partner would almost always be biased regarding his/her family because that’s the family they have known all their life before meeting you, so things wouldn’t just change overnight. In-laws aren’t worth the fight with your spouse; the issue of in-laws should be treated with caution.
Please continue reading in page 2
Very good and timely advice Shawn. Thanks.
Thanks Evans for appreciating what we do.
what of quarrelling about age difference…d lady is always reminding the guy of their age difference; making d guy to be always pissed off! so what’s your advice on that????
It is true that age difference is not a mathematical issue but a generational issue which implies that two people living together should respect. Through sound and genuine communication about generational gaps and preferences would narrow tendency to quarrel over this age difference.