dont care and confused

It’s no longer news that this generation is failing to love; romance seems to be history only to be read in the books of William Shakespeare. People now see the affection Romeo and Juliet shared in one of William Shakespeare’s greatest books as foolishness. What is really wrong with this generation?

Below are 10 signs this generation doesn’t care about love

1. People no longer care about falling in love because all they care about is instant gratification.

2. Sex is no longer sacred and people now sleep around for the fun of it. Sex is now like a form of exercise or even sports to many.

3. People no longer date because they are in love but they date because they just want to be with someone or probably because everyone around them is dating.

4. It’s becoming normal for people to have friends with benefits. In fact people can happily introduce someone as a friend with benefit.

5. Falling in love means making compromises and people no longer want to make compromises; they are not just ready to do that.

6. Movies have created unrealistic expectations for falling in love and this is a big problem.

7. People now expect to get heartbroken if they fall in love, so they shy away from falling in love.

8. People now think falling in love is for the weak. They believe only weaklings fall in love.

9. People are now so focused on achieving great things that they now see falling in love as a distraction.

10. People just don’t understand how to love and respect the one they are in love with anymore.

Love is indeed a beautiful thing and one can’t just help but wish this generation change the way they look at love.

